Welcome to ICRS
The Institute for Comparative and Regional Studies (ICRS) was founded in 2020 at the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies. The Institute’s mission is to conduct research, facilitate dialogue and provide advanced instruction in comparative and regional studies to address the pressing global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. The Institute’s cross-cutting work focuses on key themes that are central to a more peaceful, sustainable and prosperous future worldwide.
Our Centers
The institute's regional centers, led by Korbel's acclaimed faculty, will continue to produce timely and vital research and programming with the institute's support and collaboration.
Key Themes
The institute’s cross-cutting work focuses on four themes that are central to a more peaceful, sustainable, prosperous future worldwide, through the lens of regional and comparative studies.
Human security and sustainable peace
Democracy, governance, and human rights
Prosperity with sustainable equity
Regional integration and organization