The Certificate in Global Health Affairs (CGHA) provides advanced theoretical, practical and leadership training at the intersection of health and international affairs. Our focus is on informed decision-making. Because this certificate is embedded within the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, students are able to link the skills, techniques and concerns of population health to policy and practice in the broader field of international studies. CGHA addresses health as it transects social, environmental and political spheres. Our goal is to build evidence-based framework to inform program and impact evaluation at community, national and international levels. Students in this program apply the knowledge and skills they learn in class through research or service-based learning experience in the U.S. or abroad.
This degree consists of 6 classes (24 credits) and a field-based project.
Staff & Alumni

Sandy Johnson, PhD
Our program director, Sandy Johnson, specializes in how social vulnerability, the environment and political conflict affect public health.

Katrina Berg
Katrina Berg is now a PhD student at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, studying behavior change communication for health.

Angie Bengston
Angie Bengston, awarded her MA in International Development in 2009, is studying to prepare for a career improving health for women in developing nations.