Working Papers

From time to time, analytic working papers are generated to explore selected aspects of the International Futures (IFs) modeling system. Some are used to test aspects of the model, while others become foundations for larger research efforts and writing projects. Many evolve over time, so it is important to note working paper numbers and dates when using and citing the papers.

Displaying 97 - 104 of 238
Date of Publication

January 01, 2015

Pronósticos y escenarios: Educación en el Perú al 2030. La aplicación del modelo International Futures

Third Party Publications

Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (CEPLAN). 2015.

December 01, 2014

Opportunities and Challenges of a World with Negligible Senescence

Other Publications

Hughes, Barry B., Randall Kuhn, Eli S. Margolese-Malin, Dale S. Rothman, and José R. Solórzano. 2014.

August 01, 2014

Eradicating Poverty in Fragile States: Prospects of Reaching the ‘High-Hanging’ Fruit by 2030

Other Publications

Burt, Alison, Barry B. Hughes, and Gary Milante. 2014.

March 30, 2014

Building Global Infrastructure: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of Potential Human Progress Volume 4)

Books & Book Chapters | Mohammod Irfan

M.T., Hughes, B.B., Dale S. Rothman Margolese-Malin, E., Moyer, J.D. (2014). Building global infrastructure: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 4). Routledge.

March 30, 2014

Building Global Infrastructure: Forecasting the Next 50 Years (PPHP Volume 4 )Base Case End Tables Using IFs 7.0.2

Books & Book Chapters | Mohammod Irfan

Irfan, M.T., Rothman, D.S., Hughes, B.B., Margolese-Malin, E., Moyer, J.D. (2014). Building global infrastructure: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 4). Routledge.

March 30, 2014

Building Global Infrastructure: Forecasting the Next 50 Years (PPHP Volume 4) Alternate Scenario 2 End Tables Using IFs 7.0.2

Books & Book Chapters | Mohammod Irfan

Rothman, D.S., Irfan, M.T., Hughes, B.B., Margolese-Malin, E., Moyer, J.D. (2014). Building global infrastructure: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 4). Routledge.

March 30, 2014

Building Global Infrastructure: Forecasting the Next 50 Years (PPHP Volume 4)Alternate Scenario 1 End Tables Using IFs 7.0.2

Books & Book Chapters | Mohammod Irfan

Irfan, M.T., Rothman, D.S., Hughes, B.B., Margolese-Malin, E., Moyer, J.D. (2014). Building global infrastructure: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 4). Routledge.

February 23, 2014


Third Party Publications

Strategic Studies Network. 2014. “(R)EVOLUTION.” Summary Proceedings of the Strategic Studies Summit, Bangkok, February 23−25.