Mariano Torcal
Adjunct Faculty
SIE Complex, 2201 S. Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80210
What I do
Comparative Public Opinion and Political BehaviorProfessional Biography
PhD Political Science Ohio State University, PhD Political Science Universidad Auitónoma de Madrid and Master in International Relations in I.U. Ortega y Gasset. Full Professor in Political Science at the Department of Political and Social Science at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and President of the ESS Spanish Committee. He is Director of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) at the Pompeu Fabra University. Current President of the WAPOR Latinoamérica and co-editor of Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública. Member of the Editorial Board of many international journals such European Political Science Review and Southern European Society and Politics. He is co-author of an edited manuscript titled: Disaffected Citizens: Social Capital, Institutions and Politics, London, Routledge 2006; The Europeanization of National Polities? Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, and many others in Spanish. He has published in journals such as Comparative Political Studies, British Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Party Politics, Political Science Research and Methods, West European Politics, European Political Science Review, European Journal of Public Policy, and many others.
- Ph.D., Ohio State University , 2001
- Ph.D., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , 1995
- Other, University of Michigan, 1995
- MA, Ohio State University, 1992
- MA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Instituto Universitario José Ortega y Gasset, 1989
- BA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid , 1988
- BA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid , 1986
- Award AECPA: Best book published during 2006, Spanish Association of Political Science
- Edgardo Catterberg Award for the best conference paper,V Latin American Congress WAPOR , World Association for Public Opinion Research
- Honorable Mention for the Gregory M. Luebbert Prize for best article in Comparative Politics of 1997, American Political Science Association