Global Community
Creating Connections Worldwide
Our academic community is continually challenged to improve our base of cultural, theoretical and practical knowledge in order to effectively understand and find solutions to global challenges. One of the ways we achieve this is by forming connections worldwide.
Our global curriculum is supported by study abroad programs, foreign language study and extensive opportunities to participate in international research. We also prioritize connecting our students, who hail from over 30 countries, with thinkers and leaders from around the world through programs and events.
Get to Know Our Global Scholars
Korbel Resources
Additional Resources
1-20, SEVIS and Visa Information
After you are admitted, you will need an F-1 or J-1 Student Visa in order to live and study in the United States. Our advisors are available to help with this process.
Learn MoreEducationUSA
EducationUSA is a U.S. State Department network of over 425 international student advising centers in 178 countries. We're here to help you navigate these resources.
Learn MoreStudy Abroad
Most Korbel programs require studying abroad. DU offers 150 programs in over 50 countries, allowing you to receive a truly international education.
Learn More