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2022 Scholarship and Fellowship Awardees

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Courtland Matthews

Communications Manager, Josef Korbel School of International Studies

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The Josef Korbel School of International Studies is pleased to acknowledge the extraordinary accomplishments of our students. An impressive number – 40 students and recent alumni – have received prestigious fellowship and scholarship awards this year.

"The diversity of opportunities our students were awarded included funding for research, language study, study abroad, skill-building, job training and more.  We are extremely proud of our students and recent graduates for pursuing these highly competitive opportunities that open even more doors!" - Rae Ann Bories-Easley, director of career and professional development at the Korbel School.

Congratulations to this year’s awardees!



2022 Rosenthal Fellowship

The Rosenthal Fellowship is a prestigious program that offers our country’s most outstanding and civic-minded graduate students in international affairs the opportunity to spend a summer working to solve some of our biggest national and global challenges.

Ketevan Chincharadze – 1st Year International Security M.A. Candidate

Ketevan was selected as a finalist to interview for congressional internships.

2022 ThinkSwiss Research Fellowship

ThinkSwiss is a scholarship program managed by the Office of Science, Technology, and Higher Education at the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C.

Andres Pulido – 1st year Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration M.A. Candidate

Andres will spend Fall 2022 at the Graduate Institute of Geneva, researching the green bond market, under advising of the Centre for Economic Policy Research’s President. He will also engage in complementary coursework, furthering his studies, projects, and recent experience as a UN COP26 Climate Change Conference Observer.

Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship

The Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship trains and inspires new leaders in the movement to end hunger and poverty in the United States. Fellows gain vital first-hand experience through placements with community-based organizations across the country as well as policy-focused organizations in Washington D.C.

Jazmyne Brooks – 2nd year International Development M.A. Candidate

Jazmyne will spend the next year gaining skills, knowledge, and experience in anti-hunger, anti-poverty, and social justice work. Throughout the fellowship experience, Emerson Fellows spend 6 months at placements with community-based organizations across the country as well as 6 months with policy-focused organizations in Washington, D.C.

Boren Fellowship

Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. Fellows commit to at least one post-fellowship year of work on U.S. national security with the U.S. government.

Aela Nash – 2nd year International Studies M.A. Candidate & M.S.W

Aela will be participating in the Boren AFLI Fellowship program to either Tanzania or Kenya in Fall 2022. She will participate in an intensive Kiswahili language learning and cultural immersion program.

Caitlin Navratil – 2nd year International Development M.A. Candidate

Caitlin was awarded the Boren Fellowship to study Thai in Thailand in 2021 and 2022 but is declining the award as she will start a full-time role with the Federal Bureau of Investigation this fall.

Connor Shane – 2nd year International Development M.A. Candidate

Connor will be spending ten months studying Arabic in Amman, Jordan.

Critical Language Scholarship

The CLS Program is a fully funded overseas language and cultural immersion program with the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries.

Joshua Brito-Mariani – 1st year International Studies B.A. Candidate

Joshua was offered a spot as an alternate for the Critical Language Scholarship’s Russia Program.

Sam Clovett – 1st year International Studies M.A. Candidate

Sam will participate in the Critical Language Scholarship remote program for the study of Swahili. He is excited to study this language, understand more about Southeast African culture and current events, and learn more about how he can apply his language skills to his study and work here in Denver.

Mikaela Dalton – 2nd year International Human Rights M.A. Candidate and M.S.W

Mikaela will be studying Persian language virtually with the American Councils for International Education Dushanbe Language Center located in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. She will use her language skills to continue her work in the Denver refugee community, specifically with recent Afghan arrivals.

Alex Romero – 2nd year International Development M.A. Candidate

Alex was selected as an alternate to study Bangla at the American Institute of Indian Studies in Kolkata, India.

Melissa Shambach – International Studies B.A. Alumni

Melissa will be studying Arabic and working at an economic development agency in Amman, Jordan.

EDF Climate Corps Fellowship

EDF Climate Corps is a 10-12 week summer fellowship program that embeds trained, custom-matched graduate students inside leading organizations to accelerate clean energy projects and strategy.

Emily Slusser – 1st year Global Environmental Sustainability and International Studies M.A. Candidate

Emily will be serving as a Climate Corps Fellow through the Environmental Defense Fund working with the U.S. General Services Administration on electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Dan Wilkins – 1st year Public Policy M.A. Candidate

Dan was selected from a pool of over 1000+ applicants to join a cohort of about 100 EDF Climate Corps fellows. He will be spending this summer working with the nonprofit organization Sustainable Jersey to help municipalities and school districts within New Jersey reduce energy use, increase efficiencies, and make a business case for sustainability.

Fulbright U.S. Student Research Award

With the support of the United States government and through bi-national partnerships with foreign governments, the Fulbright Scholarship Program sponsors U.S. participants for exchanges in all areas of endeavor to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.

Halle Brown – 2nd year Public Policy and International Studies M.A. Candidate

Halle will study the role of female leadership in the creation of successful ecotourism initiatives in Ecuador.

Sophia McGrath – 1st year International Security M.A. Candidate

Sophia will spend nine months in Turkey studying the evolution of Turkish democracy amid its 2023 presidential elections. She will be based at Koç University's Center for Research on Globalization, Peace, and Democratic Governance in Istanbul.

Barbara Stone – 2nd year Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration M.A. Candidate

Barbara Stone will be spending 9 months conducting an ethnographic research study in the Brazilian Amazon of the financial and social inclusion effects of a recently implemented, fully functioning bank on a boat to serve the people of Marajó Island, Pará, Brazil.

IIE Study Abroad Scholarship

The Institute of International Education’s scholarship to support IIE’s mission of fostering mutual understanding around the work through international exchange.

Rute Belachew – 1st year International Development & Human Rights M.A. Candidate

Rute will be spending the fall quarter studying at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and pursuing an internship with a Geneva-based organization.

International Development Fellowship Program with Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services' International Development Fellows Program prepares dedicated global citizens to pursue a career in international relief & development work. CRS empowers Fellows to hone their skills and gain practical field experience while contributing to impactful work.

Melissa Roggero – 2nd year International Development M.A. Candidate

Melissa will be spending one year in Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and Gambia on development and humanitarian assistance projects in climate change, peace building, and education. Melissa is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF Finalist after her fellowship with the Catholic Relief Services.

Leadership Alliance Summer Research-Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)

The Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) is a fully paid summer internship that provides undergraduates with training and mentoring in the principles underlying the conduct of research and prepares them to pursue competitive applications to PhD or MD-PhD programs.

Victoria Alarcon Macias – 2nd year International Studies B.A. Candidate

Victoria will spend the summer in Boulder, Colorado conducting research with mentor, Dr. Julian Resasco in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Victoria will work across seven community gardens to understand the relationship between urbanization and insect community composition. 

NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP) identifies and develops the next generation of exceptional national security leaders to achieve the NNSA mission: Strengthening our nation through nuclear security.

Natasha Barqawi – 2nd year International Security M.A. Candidate

Natasha has accepted the one-year Fellowship to work with the Nuclear Security Administration in the Office of Radiological Security in Washington D.C.

P.E.O International Peace Scholarship

The International Peace Scholarship Fund was established in 1949 to provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate studies in the U.S. or Canada.

Ketevan Chincharadze – 1st Year International Security M.A. Candidate

The PEO International Sisterhood has awarded Ketevan a scholarship to support educational expenses for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Presidential Management Fellowship

The Presidential Management Fellowship program is a competitive flagship leadership development program at the entry level for recent Master’s and PhD graduates interested in public service. In addition to the salary and benefits, fellows receive formal classroom training on leadership and management and at least one 4-to-6-month developmental assignment with the potential for accelerated promotions within the U.S. government.

Ethan Cryer – 2nd year International Security M.A. Candidate

Ethan Cryer is aiming to serve as a foreign affairs officer or specialist in Washington D.C.

Graham Everett – 2nd year International Security M.A. Candidate

Graham is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF finalist.

Henry Heilbroner – 2nd year Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration M.A. Candidate

Henry has accepted a position with USAID's Bureau for Resilience and Food Security.

Janet Hernandez – 2nd year International Development M.A. Candidate

Janet is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF finalist.

Jenna Johnson – 2nd year International Studies M.A. Candidate

Jenna is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF finalist while working immediately after graduation with the IRC.

Grace La Mendola – 2nd year Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration M.A. Candidate

Grace is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF finalist.

Rishi Pant – 2nd year International Studies M.A. Candidate

Rishi Pant is currently applying for positions and hopes to be in Washington D.C. as a PMF.

Brady Russell – International Security M.A. Alumni

Brady is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF finalist

Marley Schafer – 2nd year International Security M.A. Candidate

Marley is pursuing a position with the US Department of State as a PMF finalist.

Kiahna Stephens – International Security M.A. Alumni

Kiahna is seeking a position with a United States government agency as a PMF finalist.

Urban Leader Fellowship

The Urban leaders Fellowship is a paid summer fellowship for early-to-mid career professionals who are already leaders in their own right, and are looking to accelerate their leadership through a seven-week fellowship with a focus on policy and practice

Dana Braeunling – 1st year Public Policy M.A. Candidate

Dana will spend 7 weeks over the summer working on policy proposals with an elected or appointed official in Denver and working at a company or organization that is equally committed to social justice and positive impact.

Saba Ismail – 1st year International Human Rights M.A. Candidate

Saba will work with an elected representative from the Colorado State Assembly and a local community organization to transform the community through partnership and policy.

An Khan Đào – 1st year Public Policy M.A. Candidate

An will spend the summer working for the Urban Leader Fellowship with the Denver cohort while completing her research assistantship on the Vietnam cement and energy industry in Hanoi, Vietnam.