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Bennet Still Safe, Unless…

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Floyd Ciruli

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Sen. Michael Bennet

Michael Bennet is still listed by the major D.C. pundits as a “likely Democratic hold.” But with the major caveat, how powerful is the downdraft from Washington? As Charlie Cook points out, midterm elections can be a disaster for the presidential party, including lost senate seats.

  • Joe Biden’s approval is lower than Clinton’s at his first midterm (1994) and Obama’s (2010).
  • Clinton lost 8 Senate seats and 54 House; Obama lost 6 Senate, 64 House.

Although the most competitive seats in the West are in Nevada and Arizona, and Bennet’s seat is listed as safe, he’s near the competitive line. After merging analyses from the University of Virginia’s Sabato’s Crystal Ball and Charlie Cook’s The Cook Political Report, the latest chart from 538 shows Bennet is on the edge of a safe seat. Their comment is:

Beyond New Hampshire, it’s not hard to imagine Colorado’s blue-leaning seat, held by Sen. Michael Bennet, also becoming competitive if things deteriorate further for Democrats.”

Competitive senate seats in 2022 chart


Bennet Must Deal With Undertow

Bennet Vulnerable: CNN – No, Colorado Republican Poll – Yes

Republicans Face Long Odds Against Colorado’s Michael Bennet