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Institute for Public Policy Studies Fall 2016 Program Features Renowned Lecturers

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Courses by Nationally-Renowned Experts Michael O'Hanlon, Amos Gelb and Jonathan Rauch

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The Institute for Public Policy Studies (IPPS) at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies is launching an exciting fall program featuring three nationally-acclaimed speakers: Michael E. O'Hanlon, senior fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution; Amos Gelb, founder and director of the Washington Media Institute; and Jonathan Rauch, author of six books and contributing editor of National Journal and The Atlantic.

michael ohanlon

Michael E. O'Hanlon, an adjunct professor at the Korbel School and an expert in U.S. defense strategy, the use of military force, homeland security and American foreign policy, will teach a fall course entitled "Great Powers and Hegemonic Change in the 21st Century." This course will run through November 4 and will wrestle with such broad questions as the architecture of the international power system. O'Hanlon has authored numerous books including "The $650 Billion Bargain" (2016), "The Future of Land Warfare" (2015) and "Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy" (2012). Read more about O'Hanlon and his course.

amos gelb

Amos Gelb founded and is the of Director of the Washington Media Institute in Washington, D.C. Professor Gelb has produced virtually every type of television news programming during a two-decade broadcast journalism career; from daily news and multi-hour documentaries to undercover investigations to talk shows. On September 30 and October 1 Professor Gelb will teach a Great Issues Forum at IPPS called "The Loss of Reason in National Affairs: How Public Policy Got Lost Going Viral." Learn why Gelb is among IPPS' most popular lecturers.



Jonathan Rauch, contributing editor of The Atlantic and National Journal, is the author of six books and many articles on public policy, culture and government. He will be at IPPS from October 18-23 to teach a Great Issues Forum titled the same as his most recent book, "Political Realism: How Hacks, Machines, Big Money, and Back-Room Deals Can Strengthen American Democracy." Rauch has written for numerous publications including The Economist, Fortune, U.S. News & World Report, The New York Times, Slate, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times and others. In 2005 Mr. Rauch was the recipient of the National Magazine Award, the magazine industry's equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. More information about Rauch's work is available here.

All classes are open to University of Denver graduate students.

For more information contact Professor Richard A. Caldwell, co-director of the Institute for Public Policy Studies, at