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Secretary Madeleine Korbel Albright Speaks at 2016 Graduate Breakfast Reception

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The Josef Korbel School today honored the Class of 2016 graduate students at a breakfast reception featuring Secretary Madeleine Korbel Albright, 64th U.S. Secretary of State and daughter of diplomat and dean Josef Korbel, for whom the school is named. 

Watch the video of the Graduate Breakfast Reception

The breakfast reception is an annual Korbel School celebration preceding the University's official commencement. In addition to hearing remarks by Secretary Albright and Dean Christopher R. Hill, students, parents, friends, faculty and staff honored Korbel School outgoing Army War College Fellow Lt. Col. Daniel Allen and recognized this year's new PhD graduates Ahmad Dost, Malliga Och and Sabina Pavlovska-Hilaiel.

madeline albright and dean hill

In an on-stage conversation, Secretary Albright talked with Dean Hill about the most pressing foreign policy issues which will face the next President of the United States. "China is the most important area, and the Middle East, the most dangerous" for the next president, Albright said. "Korbel School graduates are entering a growth industry," she added.

madeline albright and doctoral candidates

Secretary Albright is a daughter of Josef Korbel, founder and first dean of what was originally called the Graduate School of International Studies, established in 1964. The school was renamed in 1988. "A school named in his honor makes me very happy," said Secretary Albright.