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University of Denver Statement Regarding the 2013 Korbel Dinner

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We are honored and delighted to have President George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States of America, as a guest and keynote speaker at the 16th Annual Korbel Dinner. The Josef Korbel School of International Studies is committed to serving the public good by presenting multiple points of view and promoting civil discourse among diverse individuals. As one of the country's leading graduate schools in international studies, we strive to create an environment that fosters intellectual growth and the critical examination of ideas. Accordingly, we welcome speakers and dignitaries from around the globe who have a number of different perspectives.

Each year the Josef Korbel School hosts a dinner called the Korbel Dinner. The dinner raises significant resources for the School and its programs. The dinner includes  a keynote speaker and honoree who is a high profile international figure. The School also honors an individual or individuals from Colorado who have made a global impact.

We are honored to present President Bush with the Global Service Award for his service to our nation, his leadership as the 43rd President of the United States, as well as his remarkable work in Africa, both during his presidency and in his post-presidency. His efforts fighting HIV/AIDS, cervical cancer and malaria continue to improve the human condition by addressing the needs of vast populations around the globe.