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New African Futures Project Report uses IFs to Assess Long-Term Development Prospects in Mozambique

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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report from the African Futures Project, a collaboration between the Pardee Center and the Institute for Security Studies, uses IFs to assess Mozambique’s long-term development prospects. The discovery that Mozambique holds one of the largest reserves of natural gas in the world has generated great optimism about the country’s future. But the recent sovereign debt crisis has cast serious doubt on the ability of the country to effectively manage the associated profits and better promote human development. The report concludes that without a concerted effort to ensure transparent management of gas revenues and channel that windfall into investment in basic human development, the country will continue to face barriers to inclusive growth. Without basic service delivery and better budget management, gas reserves won’t help Mozambique’s poorest. Report authors: Zachary Donnenfeld (Korbel MA 2015), a researcher with ISS in Pretoria, and Alex Porter (Korbel MA 2014), a research associate at the Pardee Center.