Ahmed Mohamed Abdrabou
Teaching Assistant Professor
303-871-3685 (Office)
SIE Complex, 2201 S. Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80210
What I do
I teach courses on comparative politics, Middle Eastern studies, and civil-military relations, with focus on political Islam, democratization, and civilian control strategies.Specialization(s)
Comparative Politics, political Islam, area studies, civil-security relations.
Professional Biography
- Ph.D., Political Science, Hokkaido University, 2011
Professional Affiliations
- American Political Science Association
- Middle East Studies Association
My current research interests stem from my desire to understand democratic transitions using new approaches and methodologies. My past research projects have tackled the issue of democracy from institutional, political economy, and social mobilization perspectives.
My first project, “Civil–Military Relations in the Middle East: Comparing the Political Role of the Military in Egypt and Turkey,” argues that civilian control is a prerequisite for democratic transition in the Middle East by offering a comparison of the political role of the military in Egypt and Turkey. In this book I have analyzed both the exogenous and endogenous factors including economic domains to military institutions in both countries and how these factors led to different policy outcomes with regard to democratic civilian control.
Currently I am working on another project, which is studying the civil-security paradox and good governance in Egypt and Turkey by incorporating security sector services into the analysis of civil-military relations in both countries
- Egypt–EU parliamentary relations: Does the deep democracy approach work?