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Biden Holds Steady From Inaugural, Through 100 Days, to Today

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Floyd Ciruli

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Joe Biden’s approval rating has held remarkably steady during his first six months in office. As the polling website 538 records, President Biden began a week after his inauguration with 54 percent and is at 52 percent today.

Trump and Biden at Resolute Desk

The Crossley Center for Public Opinion Research has tracked the Biden presidency with two online Zoom programs and a number of blog posts. View the experts’ opinions on Biden’s start-up after an extraordinary transition and his performance beating expectations after 100 days. The video links follow.

Video Now Available on “President Biden’s First 100 Days”

Did Biden make the grade in the first 100 days? Hear nationally known professors rate President Joe Biden in a discussion led by University of Denver Chancellor Jeremy Haefner with professors Tom Cronin, Andrea Benjamin, Seth Masket and Floyd Ciruli.

The May 4 program was sponsored by the Crossley Center for Public Opinion Research at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies and the Center on American Politics.


Blogs to view:

President Biden’s First 100 Days – Key Points

Biden Gets an A- for First 100 Days

Biden Holds His Approval

Difficult Midterm Election Shapes Biden’s 100-Day Strategy


Video Now Available on “The First Week: Biden vs. Trump” 

President Joe Biden has inherited a formidable set of challenges, from a pandemic still spreading, a crippled economy, a social justice crisis, an injured political system and a weakened position in a threatening world.

A February Crossley Center Zoom event compared the transitions, the inaugurals, and President Trump’s and President Biden’s first weeks in office with perspectives by former Ambassador Christopher Hill, now at Columbia University; Colorado College professor (retired) and Presidential Scholar Tom Cronin; and Crossley Center Director Floyd Ciruli.


Blog to view:

Inaugurals: Trump and Biden