Janet Dickson
Senior Research Associate
303-871-3093 (Office)
Featured Publications
- Dickson, Janet & Hughes, Barry & Irfan, Mohammed. (2015). "Advancing Global Education". 10.4324/9781315636153.
- Hughes, Barry & Kuhn, Randall & Peterson, Cecilia & Rothman, Dale & Solórzano, José & Mathers, Colin & Dickson, Janet. (2011). Projections of global health outcomes from 2005 to 2060 using the International Futures integrated forecasting model. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 89. 478-86. 10.2471/BLT.10.083766.
- Dickson, Janet & Hughes, Barry & Irfan, Teuku. (2023). "Patterns of Potential Human Progress".