Stellah Kwasi
Senior Research Associate
871-303-12324 (Office)
Professional Biography
Stellah has field experience in development and hopes to complement this in her studies with quantitative methods to begin research in international development. She wrote a research paper as an undergraduate on the effects of sugarcane farming on food production in Western Kenya. She is a member of Rotary Club and enjoys playing cricket.
BSc Agricultural Economics, Egerton University, Kenya, 2011
MA International Development, University of Denver – Josef Korbel School of International Studies, expected Summer 2017
Featured Publications
- Kwasi, Stellah & Cilliers, Jakkie & Yeboua, Kouassi. (2022). "Race to sustainability? Egypt’s challenges and opportunities to 2050".
- Yeboua, Kouassi & Cilliers, Jakkie & Kwasi, Stellah. (2021). "Réveiller le géant endormi Trajectoires de développement de la République démocratique du Congo à l’horizon 2050". 10.13140/RG.2.2.15056.64009.
- Kwasi, Stellah & Cilliers, Jakkie. (2021). "Stagnation or growth? Algeria's development pathway". 10.13140/RG.2.2.32065.28000.
- Verhagen, Willem & Bohl, David & Cilliers, Jakkie & Hughes, Barry & Kwasi, Stellah & Mcneil, Kaylin & Oosthuizen, Marius & Picci, Luca & Preez, Mari-Lise & Xiong, Yutang & Moyer, Jonathan. (2021). "Unraveling the immediate and long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on socio economic development in sub- Saharan Africa".
- Cilliers, Jakkie & Oosthuizen, Marius & Kwasi, Stellah & Alexander, Kelly & Pooe, Tk & Yeboua, Kouassi & Moyer, Jonathan. (2020). "Impact of COVID-19 in Africa A scenario analysis to 2030". SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3660866.
- Cilliers, Jakkie & Oosthuizen, Marius & Kwasi, Stellah & Alexander, Kelly & Pooe, Tk & Yeboua, Kouassi & Moyer, Jonathan. (2020). "Exploring the impact of COVID-19 in Africa: a scenario analysis to 2030".
- Cilliers, Jakkie & Donnenfeld, Zachary & Kwasi, Stellah & Shah, Sahil & Welborn, Lily. (2018). "Kenya to 2030 and Beyond". SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3256360.
- Porter, Alex & Bohl, David & Kwasi, Stellah & Donnenfeld, Zachary & Cilliers, Jakkie. (2018). "Prospects and Challenges: Mozambique's Growth and Human Development Outlook to 2040". SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3099373.
- Yeboua, Kouassi & Cilliers, Jakkie & Kwasi, Stellah. (2021). "Waking the Sleeping Giant: Development Pathways for the Democratic Republic of the Congo to 2050". SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3966973.