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5 Features to Explore on Our New Website

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Last week, we launched our new website, a culmination of considerable effort from many members of the Pardee Center. While you may immediately notice some changes – including an improved user interface, extensive information on the center’s research and publicationspartners, and projects, and access to the IFs model and its capabilities – there are just as many additions that you may not know about. Following is a list of five features I believe will enhance your experience with the new Pardee Center website.

Feel free to check them out and let us know about your experience in the comments!

1. PPHP volumes. The flagship publication of the Pardee Center, the Patterns of Potential Human Progress (PPHP) series explores prospects for human development globally out to 2060. Each volume in the series considers a key aspect of human development and explores how that aspect has evolved over time, how it appears to be unfolding in the short term, how we might prefer it to develop, and policy implications. The new website not only features downloadable digital versions of the published volumes, but now also includes updated end tables for each volume in coordination with new versions of IFs.

2. An exploration of the IFs model. If you would like to know more about our model and how it is used, the “Explore” section of our website is for you. Here you can explore the primary sub-modules of the IFs model from a conceptual and practical angle. Each section also includes a direct window into our online model so you can explore further.

3. The block diagram. The block diagram is an interactive tool that allows users to better understand the connections among the modules and variables in the IFs system. It begins with the primary sub-modules within IFs and allows you to drill down through categories and subcategories within each module to individual variables and parameters, follow connections from one variable or category to another, or even search for specific variables and connections.

4. Interactive blog. The interactive blog is an avenue for our research assistants and staff to write about their work, interesting developments in the model, current events as they relate to our work, and how IFs can be used. In fact, this is one of those blog posts. When you go to the blog, you will notice a section designed to share or comment on the material. You can even log in and comment through Facebook! We encourage you to take a look and interact with us.

5. Join our team. Finally, the website hosts a new section on how you can join our team at the Pardee Center. It details the kind of work our research assistants do, where they head after graduation, and a hire survey link. If you are a graduate student entering the Korbel School, check it out!

Other News/Blog Posts from the Pardee Center:

Promoting Transparency Through the IFs Help System

Working with the World Bank - The Future of Poverty in Fragile States

International Futures as a Fundraising Tool

What is the "Base Case" Forecast?

Blogs,Website,Research Assistants,PPHP