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AMG National Trust Bank and Pardee Institute present “Forces at Work” Executive Session

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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In September 2016, Jonathan Moyer and Ambassador Christopher Hill, Dean of the Korbel School of International Studies, joined Lord Mervyn King (author of The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking and the Future of the Global Economy) and Julio C. Fernandez, Global Quantitative Analyst, for an Executive Session at AMG World Bank in Greenwood Village, CO. Forces at Work: The Executive Session was an interactive discussion about geopolitical risk, global monetary policy and the future of global growth.

Professor Moyer used the International Futures (IFs) model, while Mr. Fernandez used AMG’s WorldView Data Base, to explore trends and possible future scenarios. Lord King and Ambassador Hill shared insights from an economic and global diplomacy perspective. The Pardee Institute and AMG will co-sponsor similar events in the future, with the goal of better understanding historical and measurable patterns in business and economic cycles within a global framework.