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Atlantic Council’s China-U.S. Working Group releases new report

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Last month, the Atlantic Council’s China-U.S. Working Group released its new report, China-U.S. Cooperation: Key to the Global Future . The assessment expands upon previous reports, including the U.S. National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds —which incorporates several graphics and forecasts from the International Futures modeling system—and The Prospects for China-U.S. Relations, prepared under the direction of CIIS and Peking University’s School of International Studies. According to the Atlantic Council website, the new report—which also features IFs graphics and forecasts—“calls for the creation of a Vision Group of senior American and Chinese nongovernment and former government experts to build on the idea of a new great power relationship proposed by China’s President Xi Jinping.” Pardee Center Director Barry Hughes contributed to the report as part of the China-U.S. Working Group.