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Barry Hughes and David Bohl collaborate with CEPLAN in Peru

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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In late July, Pardee Center Director Barry Hughes and RA David Bohl traveled to Lima, Peru to meet with officials from the country’s National Center of Strategic Planning (CEPLAN). The meeting continues our ongoing collaboration on Peru’s projected economic growth to the year 2021 and served as preparation for another joint effort with CEPLAN on Peru 2050. On July 24, Hughes led a seminar, titled “Alternative Future Scenarios: International Futures Model (IFs)," which may be viewed online here. A number of local media outlets covered the event, including El ComercioAndinaAmérica Economía, and El Peruano. In our center’s subsequent report to CEPLAN on growth through 2021, Bohl, the lead author, concludes that “despite potential for increased capital from investments in mining and infrastructural projects, and potential for increased labor stemming from the transition of Peru’s substantial informal labor market to the formal sector, the greatest changes in growth are likely to come from total factor productivity.”