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Barry Hughes Delivers Keynote in Italy for World’s Fair and Expo

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures Director Dr. Barry B. Hughes spoke at the Third Colloquium for the Milan Charter of the 2015 World’s Fair and Milan Expo on April 28 at the University of Milan, Italy. The colloquium was a kick-off event for the six-month Expo.  Its theme—“Commitments for Healthy, Safe and Nutritious Food for All”— was central to the overall theme of the Expo: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.”

Dr. Hughes’ presentation addressed broad global changes currently underway, including population growth rate decline, female educational advance, and the decline of North-South inequality for middle-income countries, even as poverty and undernutrition persist for those with the lowest incomes globally.  His twin themes were the often-underestimated speed of global convergence toward enhanced human development in combination with the need for collective action with respect to those still left behind. The presentation can be viewed here.

Dr. Hughes also spoke at a separate academic session at the University of Pavia, Italy, on April 29.
