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Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds released

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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The National Intelligence Council released Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, the latest report in its quadrennial series on major worldwide trends. The Frederick S. Pardee Center contributed greatly to the report, providing International Futures forecasts and charts on patterns ranging from growing middle-class consumption to shifting global power dynamics to state fragility. According to the authors’ acknowledgements, the International Futures model, “with support from Professor Barry Hughes and Dr. Jonathan Moyer, provided an overall framework that enabled [them] to explore possible futures across a wide range of domains, from geopolitics to health and education.” The Global Trends report attracted media attention worldwide and will serve as a tool for President Obama as he determines the nation’s international strategy during his upcoming term. A PDF of the report may be accessed directly through the National Intelligence Council’s website.

Global Trends,USNIC