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Jonathan Moyer and Andrew Scott Travel to Ethiopia for Kickoff Meeting

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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In October 2016, Pardee Center staff traveled to Addis Ababa for a week-long planning session and scenarios workshop to support USAID's Country Development Cooperation Strategy process in Ethiopia. Director Jonathan Moyer and Research Associate Andrew Scott joined our partners from the Institute for Security Studies and other members of the Ethiopian development community for a scenario-planning workshop with the USAID Futures Team.

The Pardee Center and ISS are preparing a trends report, using the International Futures (Ifs) model, exploring Ethiopia’s development trajectory to 2030. Ethiopia faces large human capital challenges related to low education levels, undernutrition, and lack of access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Ethiopia's ability to respond to these challenges over medium term will increase because of declining foreign aid as a share of total GDP, coupled with high informal economic activity and a low tax base.

The workshop and meetings served as a foundation to discuss the current development situation in Ethiopia and begin to think about different future scenarios around Ethiopia's development trajectory.