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The Journal of Contemporary China publish article authored by Pardee Center staff, titled, "Measuring and Forecasting the Rise of China: Reality over Image"

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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In their new article in the Journal of Contemporary China, Assistant Professor and Pardee Center Director Dr. Jonathan Moyer, Pardee Center senior research associate Collin Meisel, and former Pardee Center research scientist Dr. Austin Matthews present a new multidimensional measure of relative national capabilities and forecasts using the International Futures model across 29 alternative scenarios. 

This article finds that Chinese capabilities surpass the United States in 26 scenarios before 2060, with the most frequent period of power transition being the early 2040s. This analysis offers an opportunity for leaders to reconcile national images with reality, potentially reducing the risk of conflict associated with great power transition. This open access article can be accessed here.