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Pardee and ISS Launch Report on Growth and Development in Mozambique

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Our director, Jonathan D Moyer, joined our partners at the Institute for Security Studies in Maputo on June 28, 2017, as they launched our latest co-authored report, "Prospects and Challenges: Mozambique’s Growth and Human Development Outlook to 2040." The report was prepared for Irish Aid, and follows from a broader regional report on Southern African development trends that we produced for USAID earlier this year. The report's authors, Alex Porter, David Bohl, Stellah Kwasi, Zachary Donnenfeld and Jakkie Cilliers, used the International Futures platform to assess key trends and alternative scenarios related to Mozambique's development. The authors adjusted the IFs Base Case to better understand how advances in the country's natural gas production might affect Mozambique's development prospects to 2040, with a particular focus on how the country can better leverage the gains from its energy industry to foster inclusive growth and reduce poverty.

For more information on the report or the launch event, please visit the ISS website.

Mozambique,African Futures Project