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Pardee Institute and USAID publish new report on food security in Uganda

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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In August 2018, USAID-Uganda published Achieving Food Security in Uganda, a report by Pardee Institute Researchers Steve Hedden, Mickey Rafa, and Jonathan D. Moyer. The report uses the IFs model to study various interventions for improving food security in Uganda, in terms of both consumption and production. Food security is a key outcome target of Uganda’s Agriculture Sector Strategic Plan, as well as a component of growth strategy in the National Planning Authority’s Vision 2040. The report concludes that agricultural interventions are not enough; significant improvements in food security will require a combination of interventions, as well as special attention paid to potential negative consequences.

The research and report were featured at The Joint Agricultural Sector Annual Review (JASAR) in Kampala on August 28. The annual meeting is organized by Uganda’s Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and is aimed at assessing progress in agricultural development. This year’s meeting topic was “Building Resilience to Climate Change Effects to Enhance Agricultural Productivity.”

Steve G. Hedden, Mickey Rafa, Jonathan D. Moyer. “Achieving Food Security in Uganda”. Frederick S. Pardee Institute for International Futures. Josef Korbel School of International Studies. Denver: Report for USAID (2018).

To read the full report click here.