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Pardee Institute cited in three UN Research Institute for Social Development reports that focus on human well-being, sustainable economies, and food systems

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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The Pardee Institute was recently cited in three UN Research Institute for Social Development reports that focus on human well-being, sustainable economies, and food systems, which may be accessed here and include:

  • Human Well-Being and Capabilities:Good health, clean environments, freedom from poverty and protection from discrimination—enabled by strong democratic institutions and peaceful societies—are essential for realizing the capabilities of all people. Achieving this vision as set out in the 2030 Agenda will require an integrated, evidence-based and interdisciplinary approach. 
  • Sustainable and Just Economies: Economic systems that promote an equitable distribution of benefits to the whole population—regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, citizenship status, or any other characteristic—and growth that preserves rather than profits off of the natural environment, are essential for building a more just, more sustainable world.
  • Food Systems and Nutrition Patterns: Ending hunger and malnutrition requires a transition to a sustainable global food system that minimizes environmental impacts, is resilient to shocks, and ensures all people equal access to a healthy diet, now and in the future.