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Pardee Institute for International Futures Launches New Website

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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The Frederick S. Pardee Institute for International Futures, the home of International Futures (IFs) model and a hub of long-term forecasting and global trend analysis at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies, launched its new website on Tuesday.

» Visit the new Pardee Institute Website at «

With an improved user interface, the website highlights the center's research and publications, and provides extensive information on its partners, projects, history, and staff. Users can also view the center's latest updates and engage with its staff via its new, interactive blog feature.

The upgrade provides a better user experience, according to Associate Director Jonathan Moyer. "The new website design speaks to our work and tells our story more clearly. This improvement reflects the strides our center is taking to be more engaged with our clients, partners, and the international community." Moyer said.

Notably, the website includes both a downloadable version and a web-based version of the IFs model, the most sophisticated and comprehensive integrated modeling system available to the public, as well as detailed instruction for using the system. IFs uses the institute's understanding of major global systems—including agriculture, economy, education, energy, governance, health, infrastructure, population and technology—to produce forecasts for 186 countries to the year 2100.

For more information and to explore the new website, please visit If a possible project or partnership with your organization is something you would like to explore, please get in touch with the Center at