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Pardee Institute launches new IFs feature at UNDP-Brazil

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Pardee Institute Director Jonathan D. Moyer, Research Associate David K. Bohl, and PhD candidate/Research Project Aide Henrique Estides Delgado spent time at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Brasilia, showcasing new subnational data on Brazil in the International Futures (IFs) model. They presented recent work at a series of expert meetings on Subnational Scenarios and Analyzes for the Scope of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This trip is part of the Pardee Institute's ongoing work with UNDP-Brazil, led by Dave Bohl and Assistant Director of Research Operations Mickey Rafa. The project is designed to help inform development priorities on a regional level as Brazil strives to meet SDGs and Agenda 2030. In October, participants from multiple agencies, states, and levels of government attended an IFs training in Brasilia; the new subnational model will allow for integrated analysis across a variety of issue-areas likely to affect development throughout Brazil.

This article from the United Nations on February 13 gives more detail about  the expert meetings and the Pardee Institute's partnership with UNDP-Brazil.

This article from the United Nations in December, 2018 gives further background, outlines the scope of the work, and features a video of Dave Bohl speaking about the project.

Link directly to Dave Bohl’s video on youtube here.