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The Pardee Institute welcomes Western Cape government officials

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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The IFs team welcomes two Western Cape Provincial Government (WCPG) officials, Dale van der Lingen and Sibusiso Nonyati, who are visiting Denver for nearly two weeks to further develop the forecasting capacity of the WCPG. Van der Lingen serves as Assistant Director of Policy Research and Analysis in the provincial Policy and Strategy Office, and Nonyati serves as Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives in the province’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism. The Western Cape is now institutionalizing the IFs modeling system as part of its long-term provincial planning processes. As part of our ongoing collaboration with the Western Cape Provincial Government, stakeholders may participate in biweekly steering committee meetings and bimonthly "futures forum" meetings via the Internet to encourage broader government participation through discussion about the model and recent forecasts. Over the last two years, the Pardee Center has worked with the WCPG to build its first integrated database, which will help the province carry out its OneCape 2040 plan and other provincial initiatives.