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Pardee Instiute Report on Uganda Helps Identify Policy Priorities

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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The latest report from the Pardee Institute for International Futures, published September 2015, analyzes development trends and the impacts of some policy changes in Uganda. The report concludes that in general, policies harnessing human capital—such as investing in education, fertility rate reduction and greater food security—will serve Uganda best.

Funded by USAID-Uganda, this project studies the impacts of various policy choices on a wide range of systems, with the goal of helping policy-makers set aggressive but achievable goals as Uganda seeks to improve human development. Although the country has made significant economic, human, and social progress since the end of autocratic rule, Uganda is under pressure from a multitude of local constituencies, international organizations, and foreign aid groups to simultaneously improve human, social, and environmental development outcomes. The Pardee Institute report helps identify the interventions most likely to boost human development, ease suffering, and put Uganda on the path towards middle-income levels of development.

Using the International Futures (IFs) modeling platform, analysts at the Pardee Institute consider how changes in one system may lead to changes across all other systems; this integrated approach can help policymakers and members of the international aid community frame realistic expectations for development, plan for uncertainty, and inform strategic choices.

Research for the report was supported by USAID and QED. The primary authors are: Jonathan D. Moyer, Alex Porter, Shelby Johnson, Jason R. Moyer, and David K. Bohl. 

A corresponding video highlighting the findings of the report can be found here.

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