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Pardee to Join Team of GEO-6 Authors

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Our team was invited to participate in the second authors meeting of the UN Environmental Programme's (UNEP) sixth Global Environmental Outlook report in Bangkok, Thailand from May 22-26. The goal of GEO-6 is to understand the current state and trends of the environment, and to try to inform the international community on the policies needed to meet environmental objectives. In pursuit of this goal, GEO-6 is compiling its sixth edition of the GEO global assessment. Our Research System Developer Steve Hedden has been designated a coordinating lead author for the "Outlooks" chapter of this report and represented our center at the meeting in Bangkok.

Our center previously contributed to the UNEP's GEO-4 report. To access that report, click here. The scenarios created for this report are also available in all recent versions of International Futures.