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Pardee Leads Workshop at the UN Data Innovation Lab in Nairobi

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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On March 14, Research System Developer Steve Hedden and Lead System Developer José Solórzano led a workshop at the UN Data Innovation Lab in Nairobi. Forty-seven development practitioners from UN agencies including UNDP, UNDP, WFP, FAO and UNICEF participated in a hands-on exploration of the International Futures (IFs) integrated assessment model. The goal of this workshop was to teach members of these organizations how the IFs model might be useful in their work.

The workshop also provided an overview of how the Pardee Center thinks about integrated, long-term strategic planning, and gave Pardee the opportunity to showcase the SDG dashboard in the IFs model. This dashboard allows users to track a country's progress toward achieving different SDGs based on forecasts made by the IFs model. This is particularly relevant to the organizations that were in attendance as it demonstrated how the IFs model could complement their own data-driven research across areas of human development. The brief training session produced several continuing conversations about future collaborations between our center, the UN and its issue-focused programs.