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Pardee travels to Mozambique and South Africa

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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Research Associate David Bohl spent three days (April 3-5) in Maputo, Mozambique, alongside our partners at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), to meet with representatives from Irish Aid. While in Mozambique, he and other researchers from the ISS also with met with USAID, the Canadian Embassy, and the Mozambique Ministry of Economy and Finance. The purpose of these meetings was to evaluate available data for use in country-level trend analysis, particularly those related to agriculture. These data will be used to update the International Futures (IFs) Current Path forecasts, which will be included in a report that explores long-term development trends and alternative scenarios in Mozambique.

David then traveled from Maputo to Pretoria, South Africa to attend the ISS launch of two development trends reports prepared for USAID: one focused specifically on South Africa and another that explores major trends and alternative scenarios related to governance, health, education, infrastructure and agriculture across 14 countries in the Southern Africa region. The launch event on April 6 was attended by representatives of various embassies, former diplomats, and USAID officials.