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Professor Jonathan Moyer presents Pardee research at World Economic Forum

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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 On Thursday, January 19, Professor Jonathan Moyer, Director of the Pardee Center for International Futures, joined Dr. Mathew J. Burrows, Director of the Atlantic Council's Strategic Foresight Initiative, for a presentation to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. To explore this year’s theme of “Responsive and Responsible Leadership,” the Atlantic Council and Zurich Insurance sponsored a Geopolitical Risks Breakfast, a discussion of the short- and long-term economic consequences of a protectionist world and an investigation of the interconnected imbalances in trade. 

For a number of years, Zurich Insurance has worked with the Atlantic Council and the Pardee Center to publish a set of qualitative and quantitative studies on the economic impact of global risks. In a new study to be launched in April, Atlantic Council’s Strategic Foresight Team and Pardee Center researchers have analyzed the implications of a number of protectionist challenges the world is suddenly facing. The Geopolitical Risks Breakfast in Davos included preliminary results of this study. Presenters will use the International Futures (IFs) model, developed at DU’s Pardee Center, to help give global business leaders a comprehensive, conceptual framework for long-range thinking about shifts in geopolitics and trade. Recent collaboration between the Pardee Center, Zurich and the Atlantic Council has included integrated explorations of cyber, demographic and geopolitical risks.