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The Republic of Finland’s Ambassador to the U.S. Visits Pardee

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

June 14th, 2023

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On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, the Pardee Center gave a live demonstration of the power of its signature International Futures (IFs) tool to a delegation of visitors from Finland. The Republic of Finland’s Ambassador to the U.S., Mikko Hautala, was in attendance and joined by a group of Finnish aerospace, quantum companies, researchers, and state officials. The Finnish delegation was visiting the University of Denver and other key sites in Colorado as part of an ongoing technology and science collaboration between the State of Colorado and the Republic of Finland announced in February 2022. Taylor Hanna, the Pardee Center's Associate Director of Development Analysis, engaged the IFs tool to forecast possible futures and outcomes for Finland and some of its key neighbors to show how different scenarios could influence progress along key variables and indicators.

This US-Finland science and technology collaboration covers three industry areas: Aerospace, Green Economy, and Quantum and High-Performance Computing (HPC). This visit was designed to create new and strengthen existing connections between Colorado and Finland’s world-class competencies in atmospheric research, aerospace, and advanced computing and discover new collaboration opportunities.
