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Ukrainian Mayoral Delegation Visits Pardee

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

April 26th, 2023

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On April 26th, 2023, Pardee hosted a delegation of mayors from Ukraine for a presentation and an open conversation regarding post-conflict recovery pathways. In attendance were Mayor Yuriy Bova of Trostyanets, Mayor Ihor Terekhov of Kharkiv, Mayor Ivan Fedorov of Melitopol, and Mayor Oleksandr Kodola of Chernihiv. Professor and Faculty Affiliate with the Center Keith Gehring led this discussion and used the Pardee Center International Futures Model to demonstrate potential scenarios for Ukrainian recovery. With the information in both English and Ukrainian, Gehring opened the event by explaining how IFs works, what it does, and how it can be used for these wartime mayors. Gehring then presented pre-full-scale invasion forecasts and contrasted them with post-full-scale invasion forecasts. Gehring introduced four scenarios, No War, War, Success, and Misfortune as they relate to economic, demographic, and agricultural prospects in Ukraine. The event concluded as the mayors from Ukraine and Pardee faculty exchanged ideas and advice about future collaboration on projects and forecasts on a subnational level for each of their cities.
