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UNEP GEO-7 2023

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

March 13th, 2023

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On March 13, 2023, Taylor Hanna, Pardee Center Associate Director for Development Analysis, attended the opening First Authors session for the seventh Global Environmental Outlook, GEO-7, a research process created and led by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).  Through its GEO series, UNEP assesses the state and trends of the global environment, the possible solutions, and pathways to transform towards an environmentally sustainable world as well as provides an outlook that assesses the possible environmental and socio-economic implications of these transformational changes.

Ms. Hanna and Dr. Moyer are Lead Authors contributing to the GEO-7 assessment - specifically to chapters in the Outlooks section, which are focused on modeling potential paths forward to achieve global environmental change. Ms. Hanna attended a three-day workshop specific to the authors of the GEO-7 Outlooks chapters to discuss modeling strategy and protocol, and then the following week attended a wider first author’s meeting to discuss drafting of the report overall and the Outlooks chapter in particular.

The Pardee Center is supporting the GEO-7 effort, led by Ms. Hanna and Pardee Center Director Jonathan Moyer, Ph.D., through providing quantitative modeling and scenario development. Specifically, they are developing socioeconomic outcomes from IFs – the marker model for socioeconomic results in the modeling framework – as well as results for economic, agriculture, and energy indicators which will be used for comparison with other models.
