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Yale Journal Publishes Article Written by Pardee Research Assistant

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Pardee Institute for International Futures

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The Yale Journal of International Affairs has recently published an article written by Peter Oesterling, research assistant at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures. Published in the Spring 2015 version of the journal, Oesterling’s article is entitled “Changing Policy for a Changing Climate: The Social Implications of Rapid Glacial Recession in Peru.”

In the article, Oesterling addresses the role of glacial recession in the Peruvian Andes as a part of Peru’s socio-political stability. He uses the International Futures model to demonstrate the increasing demand for water in Peru at a national level, then focusing in particular on the heavily populated coastal region. He also examines the rapid decline in glacial waters, which have already reduced water availability beyond peak water flows in many watersheds. Using this information, Oesterling argues that water allocation issues, especially in conjunction with mining industry rights and water contamination, have a serious potential to exacerbate existing socio-political issues within Peru.

Oesterling attributed his ability to conceptualize the article to his work at the Pardee Center, where he has been a research assistant since March 2013.

“It reflected a goal of the Pardee Center, which is taking the available data and telling the story behind it – preferably a story somebody hasn’t told yet,” said Oesterling. He recently graduated from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies with a master’s degree in International Development. He has also been working on a project between the Pardee Center and  Water for People, a Denver-based international nonprofit development organization.

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Climate Change,Research Assistants,Environment