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Conditions for Success in the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement

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Authors: Jonathan D. Moyer, Abigail Kabandula, David K. Bohl, Taylor Hanna, Ibrahim Mayaki, and Martin Bwalya.

Owning Unit(s)
Pardee Institute for International Futures
Associated Unit(s)

Other Publications

January 01, 2020

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Moyer, Jonathan D., Abigail Kabandula, David K. Bohl, Taylor Hanna, Ibrahim Mayaki, and Martin Bwalya. 2020.

"Conditions for Success in the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement." Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. Denver, CO. Report for African Union Development Agency, NEPAD.

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View the reference report in English. 

Keywords: Pardee Institute