
Thought-Provoking Engagement and Exchange

Faculty at the Josef Korbel School share their research widely in books, articles, and commentary. Through their published work, faculty engage with ideas and other experts to shape academic and public discourse on the most important and timely issues in global and public affairs.

Displaying 25 - 32 of 379
Date of Publication

August 02, 2023

The trouble with labeling China an ‘enemy’

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, C., & McKee, K. (2023, August 2). The trouble with labeling China an 'enemy'. Time Magazine.

July 19, 2023

The Pentagon is the wrong agency to lead the new US deterrence strategy

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, C. (2023, July 19). The Pentagon is the wrong agency to lead the new US deterrence strategy. Defense One.

June 22, 2023

Multidecadal dynamics project slow 21st-century economic growth and income convergence

Journal Article | Matthew G. Burgess

By: Burgess, M.G., Langendorf, R.E., Moyer, J.D. et al. Multidecadal dynamics project slow 21st-century economic growth and income convergence. Commun Earth Environ 4, 220 (2023).

June 13, 2023

The US is losing the Global South: How to reverse course

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, Collin, Jonathan Moyer, and Mathew J. Burrows. 2023. “The US is losing the Global South: How to reverse course.” The Hill.

May 25, 2023

Spheres of Influence in the Coming Decades: Four Alternative Scenarios

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, Collin J., Caleb L. Petry, Jonathan D. Moyer, and Mathew Burrows. n.d. “Spheres of Influence in the Coming Decades: Four Alternative Scenarios.” Stimson.

May 11, 2023

In Defense of Bean Counting: Why Material Measures Oof National Power Matter

Article | Collin Meisel

In this commentary with the Modern War Institute at West Point, Collin makes a case for how and why material measures continue to offer an important guide to measuring power at the national level.

May 08, 2023

Failures in the “Deterrence Failure” Dialogue

Journal Article | Collin Meisel

Collin's latest commentary in War on the Rocks was just published May 8, 2023. Meisel argues that focusing only on the deterrence failures in Ukraine at the expense of deterrence successes in Europe muddies conversations about deterrence and risks drawing

May 01, 2023

“Blessed are the peacemakers: The future burden of intrastate conflict on poverty”

Journal Article | Jonathan Moyer

By: Moyer, J. D. (2023a). Blessed are the peacemakers: The future burden of intrastate conflict on poverty. World Development, 165, 106188.