International Non-Governmental Organizations

The Diplometrics Program has built and released databases on international organizations, diplomatic exchanges (embassies), and treaties monitored by the United Nations, including the Country & Organization Leader Travel Database (COLT). The Diplometrics Program has also developed tools to help visualize and structure the data, such as the UN Voting Coincidence Dashboard. This data feeds a research agenda that is interested in measuring and modeling international relations and will inform the International Politics submodule of the International Futures (IFs) model.

The project expects to add to this data collection effort by producing data sets on non-state actors including international non-governmental organizations, multinational corporations, and others.

  • What does the INGOs dataset include?

    INGOS includes information on the location and operational-intensity of country-level projects across 90 of the largest service delivery INGOs worldwide between 1990 and 2015.


  • What research questions have the INGOs data been used to answer?

    Do safety expectations in countries affect the assistance allocation decisions of large service delivery INGOs? We have found that these INGOs do send greater operational resources to countries demonstrating need and that INGOs are not necessarily afraid to operate in countries with safety risks. However, large INGOs do send far fewer service operations to autocracies, suggesting that political factors affect their location strategies as well.


Explore the INGO Diplometric Data



INGO Codebook



INGO Publications