Other Publications

This page includes research from Pardee Institute authors, as well as those outside Pardee, which uses the IFs system. The publications on this page are diverse, including, but not limited to, dissertations and conference papers and presentations.

Displaying 9 - 16 of 292
Date of Publication

January 08, 2024

Scanning The Horizon: If The Future Is Unknowable, Why Bother WIth Forecasting?

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

By: Meisel, C., & Petry, C. (2024, January 8). Scanning The Horizon: If The Future Is Unknowable, Why Bother WIth Forecasting? Modern War Institute. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/scanning-the-horizon-if-the-future-is-unknowable-why-bother-with-forecasting/

January 02, 2024

The War Party Has Champagne Tastes On A Beer Budget

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, C. (2024, January 2). The War Party Has Champagne Tastes On A Beer Budget. Responsible Statecraft. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/us-military-budget/

December 07, 2023

Rewind and Reconnoiter: China's Slowing Economy with Collin Meisel - War on the Rocks

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, C. (2023, December 7). Rewind and Reconnoiter China's Slowing Economy with Collin Meisel. War on the Rocks.

December 06, 2023

In Brief: China's Struggling Economy - War on the Rocks

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, C., Sun, Y., Blanchette, J., & Scissors, D. (2023, December 6). In Brief: China's Struggling Economy - War on the Rocks. War on the Rocks. https://warontherocks.com/2023/12/in-brief-chinas-struggling-economy/

December 01, 2023

Can China’s Baby Bust Be Reversed? Don’t Count On It

Op-Eds | Collin Meisel

Full Citation: Meisel, C. (2023, December 1). Can China’s Baby Bust Be Reversed? Don’t Count On It. Time Magazine. https://time.com/6341316/china-baby-bust-demographics/

November 29, 2023

The Impact of Climate Change on Human Development in Yemen

Reports & Briefs | Taylor Hanna

Citation: Hanna, T., Kelley, C., Kruczkiewicz, A., & Moyer, J. (2024). The Impact of Climate Change on Human Development in Yemen. UNDP. https://www.undp.org/sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/2023-11/impact_of_climate_change_on_human_development_in_yemen.pdf

November 27, 2023

Do Safety Expectations Affect the Location Strategies of Large Service Delivery INGOs?

Journal Article | Jonathan Moyer

By: Moyer, J. D., Matthews, A. S., Evans, J., McPhee, J., & Kettlun, W. (2023). Do Safety Expectations Affect the Location Strategies of Large Service Delivery INGOs? International Interactions, 1–30. https://doi.org/10.1080/03050629.2023.2279616

October 28, 2023

The World Is Becoming More African


Part one of a series on how the youth boom is changing the continent, and beyond.