The Pardee Institute publishes a diverse range of academic and policy-oriented literature, reports, briefs, working papers, and documentation about International Futures (IFs) and the global future. Publications are central to the Institute's work to advance knowledge in the areas of human, social, economic and sustainable development.
Bearing witness: Introducing the Perceived Mass Atrocities Dataset (PMAD) - Read now in the Journal Of Peace Research
Cantore, Nicola. 2011. “Future Paths of Poverty: A Scenario Analysis with Integrated Assessment Models.” Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper No. 200. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Hughes, Barry B. 2011. "Use of International Futures (IFs) on an Apple Macintosh." Working paper 2011.01.05. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Gordon, Theodore, Barry B. Hughes, José R. Solórzano, and Mark Stelzner. 2011. “Producing State of the Future Indexes Using the International Futures Model.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (1): 75–89.
Roy Pearson. 2011. “Using the International Futures Global Modeling System (IFs) for Alternative Scenarios by the Numbers.” Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, no. 22: 13–19.
Hughes, Barry B., Jonathan D. Moyer, and Timothy D. Sisk. 2011. “Vulnerability to Intrastate Conflict: Evaluating Quantitative Measures.” Peaceworks No. 72. United States Institute of Peace, Washington, DC.