The Pardee Institute publishes a diverse range of academic and policy-oriented literature, reports, briefs, working papers, and documentation about International Futures (IFs) and the global future. Publications are central to the Institute's work to advance knowledge in the areas of human, social, economic and sustainable development.
Bearing witness: Introducing the Perceived Mass Atrocities Dataset (PMAD) - Read now in the Journal Of Peace Research
Verhagen, W., Bohl, D.K., Cilliers, J., Hughes, B.B., Kwasi, S., McNeil, K., Oosthuizen, M., Picci, L., Yutang Xiong, M., and Moyer, J.D. (2021). "Analysing long-term socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 across diverse African contexts."
Moyer, Jonathan D., Abigail Kabandula, David K. Bohl, Vivian Yang, Kaylin McNeil, Yutang Xiong, Ibrahim Mayaki, Martin Bwalya, George Murumba, and Bernice Mclean. 2021.
Sanderson, Benjamin M., and Brian C. O'Neill. 2020. “Assessing the costs of historical inaction on climate change.” Scientific Reports 10, 9173 (2020).
Gao, Jing, and Brian C. O'Neill. 2020. "Mapping global urban land for the 21st century with data-driven simulations and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways." Nature Communications 11, 2302 (2020).
Zoraghein, Hamidreza, and Brian C. O'Neill. 2019. “U.S. State-level Projections of the Spatial Distribution of Population Consistent with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.” Sustainability 2020, 12(8), 3374;