Third Party Publications

This section lists publications using or referring to the International Futures (IFs) modeling system that are authored solely by researchers and analysts not formally affiliated with the Pardee Institute. The types of publications of which we are aware include books and book chapters, dissertations, journal articles, reports, and, while not publications strictly speaking, conference presentations and working papers.

We are always interested in learning about and adding to this list other publications and presentations that have not yet come to our attention. Please do share any suggested additions with us at

Displaying 153 - 160 of 383
Date of Publication

July 20, 2015

IFs Economic Model Documentation

Model Documentation | Barry B. Hughes

Hughes, Barry B. 2015. "IFs Economic Model Documentation." Working paper 2015.07.20. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver, CO.

June 25, 2015

Opportunities and Challenges of a World with Negligible Senescence

Journal Article

Hughes, Barry B., Randall Kuhn, Eli S. Margolese-Malin, Dale S. Rothman, and José R. Solórzano. 2015. “Opportunities and Challenges of a World with Negligible Senescence.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 99: 77–91.

June 16, 2015

IFs Education Model Documentation

Model Documentation

Irfan, T. Mohammod. 2017. "IFs Education Model Documentation." Working paper 2015.06.16. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver, CO.

April 22, 2015

International Futures (IFs) Training Manual

Model Documentation

Hughes, Barry B., Mohammod T. Irfan, Eli Margolese-Malin, Jonathan D. Moyer, Carey Neill, and José R. Solórzano. 2015.

April 10, 2015

The Impact of Temporary Migration on Source Countries

Third Party Publications

Cantore, Nicola, and Massimiliano Cali. 2015. “The Impact of Temporary Migration on Source Countries.” International Migration Review. doi:10.1111/imre.12178.

April 01, 2015

The Informal Economy in the IFs Model

Other Publications

Bohl, David K., Barry B. Hughes, Mohammod T. Irfan, Eli S. Margolese-Malin, and José R. Solórzano. 2015.

February 05, 2015

Changing Policy for a Changing Climate: The Social Implications of Rapid Glacial Recession in Peru

Journal Article

Oesterling, Peter. 2015. “Changing Policy for a Changing Climate: The Social Implications of Rapid Glacial Recession in Peru.” Yale Journal of International Affairs.

January 08, 2015

The Roads Ahead: Narratives for Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Describing World Futures in the 21st Century

Journal Article

O’Neill, Brian C., Elmar Kriegler, Kristie L. Ebi, Eric Kemp-Benedict, Keywan Riahi, Dale S. Rothman, Bas J. Van Ruijven, et al. 2015.