Third Party Publications

This section lists publications using or referring to the International Futures (IFs) modeling system that are authored solely by researchers and analysts not formally affiliated with the Pardee Institute. The types of publications of which we are aware include books and book chapters, dissertations, journal articles, reports, and, while not publications strictly speaking, conference presentations and working papers.

We are always interested in learning about and adding to this list other publications and presentations that have not yet come to our attention. Please do share any suggested additions with us at

Displaying 297 - 304 of 383
Date of Publication
Cultivating the Future: Exploring the Potential and Impact of a Green Revolution in Africa

Reports & Briefs

Moyer, J.D. and Firnhaber, E. (2012). “Cultivating the Future: Exploring the Potential and Impact of a Green Revolution in Africa.”

Debating Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China

Book | Sam Zhao

This comprehensive volume is a three-part study of whether the Chinese political system has maintained a significant degree of regime legitimacy in the context of rising domestic discontent.

Despite its Advances, the Colombian Peace Agreement Undermines Gender Equality Goals

Article | Juliana Restrepo Sanin

While the Agreement has provisions to address the particular ways in which women and LGBTQ communities were affected by the conflict, it emphasizes women’s condition as victims.

Donald Trump and the strangling of Persia

Article | Nader Hashemi

Washington should be made aware that anti-imperialism has deep roots in Iranian political culture.

Educating Cape 2040: Building Blocks of Future Prosperity

Reports & Briefs

van der Lingen, D., Sibusiso N., Rafa, M., and Camp, H. (2015). "Educating Cape 2040: Building Blocks of Future Prosperity."

Education funding increase is a big step forward for Colorado students and families

Article | Daniel Baer

Earlier this month, the Joint Budget Committee in the state legislature approved a 12.9 percent increase in the budget allocation to support Colorado’s public institutions of higher education.

Engagement on the Defensive: From the Mismatched Grand Bargain to the Emerging US–China Rivalry

Article | Sam Zhao

Facing powerful challenges from both China and the US, the long-standing engagement policy is on the defensive.

Enterprising Cape: Building an Inclusive and Vibrant Economy

Reports & Briefs

Margolese-Malin, E., Moyer, J.D., Rafa, M., and Irfan, M.T. (2015). "Enterprising Cape: Building an Inclusive and Vibrant Economy."