Third Party Publications

This section lists publications using or referring to the International Futures (IFs) modeling system that are authored solely by researchers and analysts not formally affiliated with the Pardee Institute. The types of publications of which we are aware include books and book chapters, dissertations, journal articles, reports, and, while not publications strictly speaking, conference presentations and working papers.

We are always interested in learning about and adding to this list other publications and presentations that have not yet come to our attention. Please do share any suggested additions with us at

Displaying 313 - 320 of 383
Date of Publication
Half a degree and rapid socioeconomic development matter for heatwave risk

Article | Brian O'Neill

While every society can be exposed to heatwaves, some people suffer far less harm and recover more quickly than others from their occurrence.

Highway or Byway: South Africa's NDP 2030 Vision

Reports & Briefs

Cilliers, J. and Camp, H. (2013). “Highway or Byway? The National Development Plan 2030.”

How Dangerous Was Kargil? Nuclear Crises in Comparative Perspective.

Article | Julia Macdonald

The Kargil War was what we term a ‘staircase crisis’—a crisis that exhibited incentives for first nuclear use, but in which the level of escalation was relatively controllable by the leaders involved.

How to Think About Nuclear Crises

Article | Julia Macdonald

How dangerous are nuclear crises? What dynamics underpin how they unfold?

IFs Agriculture Model Documentation

Model Documentation

Full Citation: Rothman, D. S., Hughes, B. B., & Narayan, K. (2017). IFs agriculture model documentation. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.

IFs Energy Model Documentation

Model Documentation

Citation: Hughes, B. B., Solórzano, J., & Rothman, D. S. (2014). IFs energy model documentation. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.

IFs Environment Model Documentation

Model Documentation

Full Citation: Hughes, B. B., & Hedden, S. (2016). IFs environment model documentation, Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver

IFs Governance and Socio-cultural Model Documentation

Model Documentation

Full Citation: Hughes, B. B., & Solórzano, J. (2014). IFs governance and socio-cultural model documentation. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.