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Advancing Global Education: Forecasting the Next 50 Years (Patterns of Potential Human Progress Volume 2)

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Pardee Institute for International Futures
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Janet R. Dickson

July 30, 2010

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Dickson, J.R., Hughes, B.B., Irfan, M.T. (2010). Advancing global education: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 2). Routledge.

Advancing Global Education is the second volume in the PPHP series. The questions it addresses are:

  • How rapidly are education enrollments and adult attainment levels advancing around the world?
  • Which countries will realize the goal of universal primary education by 2015 and, for those that miss, when might they reach it?
  • How rapidly can countries realistically expect to reach the next big goal of universal lower secondary education?
  • What are the financial costs of accelerating progress in enrollment and attainment, and do expected benefits ultimately exceed those costs?

Additional Resources (All PPHP Volumes):

Summary Scenario Annotations, All PPHP Volumes
PPHP Summary Scenario Annotations

Detailed Scenario Annotations, All PPHP Volumes
PPHP Detailed Scenario Annotations


2010-30-July-Advancing Global-Edu
Keywords: Pardee Institute