Third Party Publications

This section lists publications using or referring to the International Futures (IFs) modeling system that are authored solely by researchers and analysts not formally affiliated with the Pardee Institute. The types of publications of which we are aware include books and book chapters, dissertations, journal articles, reports, and, while not publications strictly speaking, conference presentations and working papers.

We are always interested in learning about and adding to this list other publications and presentations that have not yet come to our attention. Please do share any suggested additions with us at

Displaying 81 - 88 of 383
Date of Publication

June 12, 2019

The DEA in Honduras: Targeting Corruption in High Places

Article | Lynn Holland

While democratic activists are stuck in prison, the DEA investigates the Honduran president, his brother, and other high level officials for their connections to drug trafficking.

June 12, 2019

US Dominance in International Relations and Security Scholarship in Leading Journals

Published Article | Cullen Hendrix

Part of a special issue, coordinated by Jeff Colgan of Brown University, on US dominance in international relations scholarship.

June 04, 2019

Abortion Restrictions as State Violence

Article | Marie Berry

We frequently frame abortion rights in terms of health care and human rights. These frames are essential, but they don’t fully capture the violence that abortion restrictions enable.

June 01, 2019

Endogenous Migration in the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways

Publication | David K. Bohl

2019. Bohl, David K. “Endogenous Migration in the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways.” Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures.

May 28, 2019

When Norms Collide: Business, Human Rights, and Economic Development in Colombia

Article | Tricia Olsen

Colombia faces the challenge of reconciling two competing norms—an accountability norm (specifically, for economic actors) and an economic development norm, so as to ensure the peace experiment sticks.

May 22, 2019

How do you reduce sexual and gender violence in conflict? Consider these five key issues.

Article | Marie Berry

Five key issues to keep in mind during the Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crises conference

May 22, 2019

The Continuing US Strategy for Regime Change in Venezuela: A Tragedy is Unfolding

Article | Haider Kahn

Venezuela is dangerously close to a civil war with the real possibility of direct US intervention upping the ante.

May 17, 2019

The US Strategy for Regime Change in Iran: A Dangerous Game

Article | Haider Kahn

Although many Iranians hate the regime of the Islamic Republic, the threat of a foreign invasion with memories of 1953, will present them with a cruel dilemma at best.