Third Party Publications

This section lists publications using or referring to the International Futures (IFs) modeling system that are authored solely by researchers and analysts not formally affiliated with the Pardee Institute. The types of publications of which we are aware include books and book chapters, dissertations, journal articles, reports, and, while not publications strictly speaking, conference presentations and working papers.

We are always interested in learning about and adding to this list other publications and presentations that have not yet come to our attention. Please do share any suggested additions with us at

Displaying 89 - 96 of 383
Date of Publication

May 13, 2019

Trump and China: The Art of Deal or Clumsy Bullying?

Article | Haider Kahn

Trump and his gang may have met more than their match in Chinese leadership under Xi. Such is also the verdict of experts in psychological warfare.

May 12, 2019

George Orwell and Why the Time to Stop Trump is Now

Article | David Goldfischer

Trump ignores calls to defend the elections and fails to confront Russia, inviting more cyber-sabotage on his behalf.

May 10, 2019

The End of the Iran Nuclear Deal

Article | Gary Grappo

Iran’s economy is set to plunge and the much strained JCPOA with it. But the Islamic Republic will likely remain defiant.

May 08, 2019

From Sanctioning Iran to War?

Article | Haider Kahn

With the recent military moves announced uncharacteristically by the White House first, the world is witnessing with grim fascination what could turn out to be the early moves towards a war against Iran.

May 07, 2019

Radicalization in the German Armed Forces and Beyond

Article | Rachel Epstein

Terrorist conspiracies hatched within the armed forces point to a problem and possible threat militaries in every democratic country must handle prudently.

April 30, 2019

If the U.S. and China Make a Trade Deal, Then What?

Article | Sam Zhao

The U.S.-China trade war has always been about more than just trade.

April 30, 2019

Sanctioning Iran: Will it work?

Article | Haider Kahn

It seems that US has just dropped the other shoe now by banning those countries still importing Iranian oil from doing so after early May.

April 24, 2019

Elections South Africa 2019: 25 Years “Post-Apartheid,” la luta continua…


As South Africa prepares for general elections on May 8, the “beloved country” marks another milestone: its first 25 years post-apartheid.